"I learned kindness and patience from that tiny detective, and I will always be grateful." - By Anon
The moment Maggie walked onto my screen, it was like my best friend had walked into the room.
You know that feeling when it’s your first day at a new school or a new place and someone walks in and you just *know* you’re going to be friends? Or you know that they’re going to mean something to you, be it romantic, platonic or just sheer admiration?
That’s what Maggie felt like.
She looked over at Alex, and I knew. I knew I was going to like this one.
Like many LGBTQ people, I imagine we don’t get those feelings too often. I had that for Maggie...and Maggie had that for Alex. Watching their relationship bloom was beautiful. It was always something I just *knew* was going to be right.
And it was.
And it always will be.
Floriana danced onto the screen and it felt like she was inviting me along with her to experience Maggie. To show how beautiful a life like mine can be, despite the hatred in the world.
I learned kindness and patience from that tiny detective, and I will always be grateful.